Saturday, June 5, 2010


State-o-mind: Fried
Task at Hand: Autobiography, work on blog linkage
On The Horizon: decisions on projects
What is working: work shopping in class
What is not working: self-doubt
Other thoughts: So I am thinking that in taking an abstract concept like EGO.. into visual space, perhaps the best and most fluid media is traditional 2D. That is how I am seeing some of the movement in my head.
I tend to initially throw away 2D due to my inexperience (in my own eyes) with pencil and paper. I keep thinking that when I get better I will feel more comfortable with drawing in front of others.
So of course this is EGO blocking me, not wanting other people to see me struggle and perhaps look bad.
I had initially taken on a couple of portraits (in charcoal) for family members so that I would pick up drawing again. Hoping to incorporate an hour or two a day into my schedule. Keep procrastinating starting of this, perhaps if I put it down in writing I will get on the ball.
DISCIPLINE in drawing is what I seek,
disciple - both from Latin discipulus, pupil, from discere, to learn
discipline -1. Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern
of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.
2. A branch of knowledge or teaching.
disciplining - To train by instruction and practice, especially to teach
self-control to.

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