Wednesday, June 30, 2010

animation references

"Wings and Oars" by Vladimir Leschiov

While looking over festival winning animation shorts, I came across this piece. I would like to have the emotive quality that Mr. Leschiov achieves. I like the use of paint as movement, for me enhances the animation rather than detracts. Learn more about Vladimir Leschiov by clicking here.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Great research tool...

Have been reading Jeffrey Scott's How to Write for Animation.

Visit his site at

Three Most Crucial Challenges

... and how to over come them.
Goals for this project
Mid-term: Pre-Pro/ Style / Scratch track
Final: All animation complete allowing minor tweaks to be made after term.
Three most crucial challenges:
1. Time/Scheduling/Priorities: with only seven weeks to go lots of work to get done.
Strategy to overcome: Production schedule that sets goals, keeping in mind that this will be flexible as needed.

2. Initial Commitment: Identified personal challenge of choosing one idea. Once I am committed to a project there is no issue in determination and meeting deadlines.
Strategy to overcome: Documenting all ideas on paper and keeping them on file. That way I know that an idea will not be "lost." Placing goal on production schedule that allows for time to play with ideas, yet gives solid time so that production time is not compromised.

3. Lack of 2D skill. Personal challenge of lack of experience in traditional drawing skills. Making practice a priority, getting over fear of failure in this area.
Strategy to overcome: Daily practice scheduled and utilized. Would like to set goal of 2 hours per day, will experiment if it should be a two hour session or split up. Research formal methods to increase skill and implement. Did basic gesture drawings this morning will do more this evening.

Friday, June 18, 2010

... but brain working

State-o-mind: body on beach, brain working (1/4 of the time)
Task at Hand: stuff from last post, plus practice on drawing
On The Horizon: pencils... I see pencils in my future.
What is working: some self confidence
What is not working: family obligations, will have lots of work to do when I get back.
Other thoughts: had the opportunity yesterday to help with research on IQ test (plus got paid, bonus!)
Went in with a couple of agendas 1. earn some spending cash as I had forgotten a few necessities on this trip. 2. help a friend of a friend with researh.
Came out with a better understanding of my own talents that work well with animation. Need to forget about the learning curve and trust that this is what I can accomplish. Now where is my passion?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

...on vacation...

State-o-mind: Brain on beach before body...
Task at Hand: learn about theme, story and plot, work onbeat sheet and nail down style
On The Horizon: ocean
What is working: still showing up
What is not working: SELF-DOUBT, when will it go away.
Other thoughts: keep looking at style, draw... draw... draw... draw...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Working weekend...

State-o-mind: Marinating
Task at Hand: beat sheet and nail down style
On The Horizon: storyboards
What is working: going with the flow
What is not working: nuttin' honey
Other thoughts: doesn't really surprise me that I am looking at a cross between Mary Blair, Surrealism and whimsy... but how does that look? Can't see it yet, will sleep on it then experiment perhaps?

inspired... yet again!

Valerie Lorimer

Anne-Julie Aubry

Valerie Lorimer

Still Inspired


Anne-Julie Aubry

Gustavo Aimar

Gustavo Aimar

Anne-Julie Aubry

Checking in...

State-o-mind: here
Task at Hand: draw and explore concepts for analogies for project
On The Horizon: autobiography with class... eek.
What is working: work shopping in class
What is not working: my couch
Other thoughts: the possibilities seem endless right now. The tough job as always will be editing to get a beautiful job done that conveys the story clearly.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


State-o-mind: Fried
Task at Hand: Autobiography, work on blog linkage
On The Horizon: decisions on projects
What is working: work shopping in class
What is not working: self-doubt
Other thoughts: So I am thinking that in taking an abstract concept like EGO.. into visual space, perhaps the best and most fluid media is traditional 2D. That is how I am seeing some of the movement in my head.
I tend to initially throw away 2D due to my inexperience (in my own eyes) with pencil and paper. I keep thinking that when I get better I will feel more comfortable with drawing in front of others.
So of course this is EGO blocking me, not wanting other people to see me struggle and perhaps look bad.
I had initially taken on a couple of portraits (in charcoal) for family members so that I would pick up drawing again. Hoping to incorporate an hour or two a day into my schedule. Keep procrastinating starting of this, perhaps if I put it down in writing I will get on the ball.
DISCIPLINE in drawing is what I seek,
disciple - both from Latin discipulus, pupil, from discere, to learn
discipline -1. Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern
of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.
2. A branch of knowledge or teaching.
disciplining - To train by instruction and practice, especially to teach
self-control to.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


State-o-mind: Ready to go
Task at Hand: written ideas of project. Decide symbolism that I want to use.
On The Horizon: A finished project by end of term.
What is working: Open mind and positive attitude.
What is not working: No Eva today.
Other thoughts: Happy to have a direction and look forward to this class.