Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ducks in a row...

So here I am driving away from Emma's school and walking down the street are a black and a white domesticated ducks... long way from water. And with my broken window I can hear one of my favorite sounds in the world... duck,duck,duck... I think my creative problems stem down to the fact that I have been in such a funk that I don't really feel what I love, just trying to survive at this point. But I was reminded this morning how much I love ducks, also been thinking about my grandmother who always believed in me. She had this great ability to make everyone around her feel like they were the most important person in the world to her. At her memorial service my cousins and I were arguing who was Grams' favorite, each sure that they were right (I of course knew I was her favorite as I was her first). Sounds like a story about my Grams, in duck opera style... well something like that.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Keep going. Nothin' like a couple of ducks to put you in the right state of mind.
